Monday, August 12, 2013

My Greater Calling

   If I'm being honest I never quite understood what it meant to have a "calling" in life. I thought the worth of my calling was measured by the amount of money I made. But after many close friends speaking life into me and much time spent with God, I am now beginning to have a greater idea of what my calling is.

   A close friend of mine describes a calling as "a distinct leading from the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord in a specific area that brings Him glory." The eloquence in those words really resonate with me. God certainly has a distinct voice and a way of distinctly leading in my life. I long to bring Him glory in everything that I do.

   To say I have always known what my calling is would be false. However, I have felt a strong sense of what the principle of my calling was. It's to share the Gospel with those who have not heard. But the question is how? and in which way?

   As you might know, I will be a stay-at-home mommy soon. :) This has made me very excited, but there are lots of questions with this excitement. One of the main questions is, "How do I continue the relationships I've made at work?" Over the last year and a half my mission field has been my workplace. Monday through Friday I "do life" with my coworkers and try my best to show them that I care for them and love them. I know that God is ultimately the One who loves them and so I'm trusting that He will use my life to impact them even though I will be home with Joah. I'm really excited to see how much greater God will use me in this next season in my life.

   So, when I am a stay-at-home mommy, I will simply love the people He puts in my life the way that Jesus loves them. Pastor Steven Furtick (lead pastor at Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC) says, "You can not change the world, if you are not in the world." My calling is not to be cooped up in my little apartment and only focused on raising Joah. It is GREATER than that. It is to see this city flipped through the love of Christ I share with those around me, whoever they might be.

"God our shield, God our shelter, God our rock
 Yours forever is the glory, the honor
 The victory and power"
-Greater by Elevation Worship

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